Friday, March 10, 2006

sad Control key

See left bottom of your keyboard. Yes! It is Control key.
Do you know what happened if you press "Ctrl" on keyboard everyday?
Let me tell you what happened!

The printed characters "Ctrl" were disappeared and the key was hollow. My senior had used the keyboard for 2 years. He liked to play Counter-Strike and STARCRAFT on PC and played PC games everyday. Finally, he murdered Control key! XDDDDDDDDD

Check your keyboard and treat him well! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

how to categorize your all posts

=========Chinese version=========

solution II:FURL

solution III:acts of violence

=========English version=========
acts of violence
PART A. Posting

1.Create a new post
2.The title is the name of category.
3.The contents are the title which you want to classify post in the category.
4.Find the URL of the posts which you want to classify in the category.
5.NO new comment (It is just a category!)
NO new backlinks
6.Change Time & Date (change the year to hide this post!)
7.Publish Post
post1 :XXX
post2 :YYY
post3 :ZZZ......then the homepage will be like figure above.....
point this figure, it will be magnified.

PART B.Template

1.Find the URL of the post(for category)
2.Add to your Template(ex.How do I edit my link list?)
3.Save Template Changes

point this figure, it will be magnified.

merit:Won't go to internet bookmark website(, FURL )to apply for new account.
drawback:If you create a new post, you must edit the post for category.

If you have some problems, please comment~